English Card Only Japanese Card Only English and Japanese. Search Decided. Allow Comments. Convert Jp to En. Grand Prix Name. Ok I was wrong Tamaki Konomiya dose have a route but it is in D.C.P.C. ~Da Capo Plus Communication but as far as I know there is no known english patch or version out Reply Maxwell says. Da Capo II Plus Communication. I'd probably suggest you get Atlus english translation program. However you might become too lazy to learn more Japanese.

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More Cherry Blossoms go with them

The sequel to the first Da Capo, Da Capo II is set two generations, approximately 53 years after the events of Da Capo.

The sakura tree that Sakura Yoshino's grandmother had planted was again in bloom. The main protagonist is Yoshiyuki Sakurai, a second year student at Kazami Academy. Much like Junichi in Da Capo, he is surrounded by his friends, two of which are male, Wataru and Suginami, and he can also see other people's dreams. He had a friendly relationship with Yume and Otome Asakura, granddaughters of Nemu and Junichi. Yoshiyuki lives in Sakura's home, and she is now the principal of Kazami Academy. His childhood friend, Koko Tsukishima, confesses to him in the first episode and he accepts. He also accidentally awakens a robot, Minatsu Amakase, who hates all humans.

The first season is more lighthearted than the second; the second season trudges deeply into Utsuge territory.


The original Visual Novel was also released in English by MangaGamer on December 24, 2010.

Tropes in this work include:

  • A-Cup Angst: Otome. Averted by Anzu, who teases Otome by saying that being flat chested is okay since that's pretty moe too, but being 'half flat' like Otome...
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Before moving to the island Anzu had severe memory problems before she developed the Yukimura Memorization Method. She was still intelligent but seemed unable to keep track of memories for long. However, while it doesn't seem to be amnesia or any of the other normal disorders, it's never made clear what was wrong with her.
  • Angsty Surviving Twin - Akane, as revealed in Plus Situation/Plus Communication she had an identical twin, Ai, who died before the main storyline. Akane, in her misery, made a wish on the Magical Sakura tree to somehow revive Ai, and Akane ended up 'hosting' Ai's spirit within herself. Akane breaks down after the Tree is withered, cancelling the wish
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  • Annoying Younger Sibling - Yume, to Yoshiyuki. She and Otome get along better.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism - Somewhat humorously averted. Otome asks Yoshiyuki if he believes in Santa Claus. Yoshiyuki creates a piece of candy with magic as he ponders this and then decides he's open to the possibility Santa exists, though he has yet to see any signs of it.
  • Ascended Extra - In Plus Communication, side characters Akane, Maya and Mayuki all have routes. So does Erika Murasaki. She's actually in the original DCII as well, but she has no VA or character sprite and you can only find her if you go to areas where the other girls aren't.
    • However, in the same Plus Communication, there are some side scenes where Yoshiyuki says 'She looks like Erica...', meaning that one is yet another cameo.
    • Also in Plus Communication, one of the two hidden characters can be heard but not seen in certain scenes.
  • Back from the Dead - More specifically, back from being magicked out of existence.
  • Bad Liar - Minatsu. Yoshiyuki is one too, at least as far as the Asakura sisters are concerned, them having figured out his subconscious giveaways.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For - Oh so much.
    • Subverted or zigzagged or something with Anzu though. She starts off with some sort of memory problem, then wishes to the cherry tree to be able to have a memory as good or better than her classmates and gets it. However, she can't forget bad things at all and wishes she didn't have her memory. But then when the cherry tree dies again and her memory returns to normal, she's incredibly broken up about it.
  • Big Fancy House - Mizukoshi makes a comment about growing up in one, since she's clearly related to The Ojous of the first Da Capo, Moe and Mako. Anzu also lives in one...entirely alone.
  • Bishoujo Series - It's a Dating Sim like its prequel.
  • Bishounen - Suginami. The new one (Who looks identical to the previous).
  • Bittersweet Ending - The Sakura epilogue seems to turn all routes into one, though closer to the 'happy' side of things. In particular, it's revealed that Sakura won't be coming back, though she isn't dead. As a trade-off for this, Yoshiyuki comes back/didn't disappear at all. Junichi on the other hand is almost certainly dead.
  • Bokukko - Sakura.
  • Break the Cutie - Otome in the latter half of the second season and Yoshiyuki as his friends begin to forget him.
    • Anzu too, once her memory problem comes back in the visual novel.
  • Bromantic Foil - Wataru
  • Brother–Sister Incest - Sakura actually pulls Yoshiyuki aside and tells him it's okay if he falls in love with Yume or Otome.
    • Worth mentioning is that canonically, Junichi and Nemu ended up together, and that Sakura is Junichi's cousin and really wanted to be together with him as well. Thank goodness for Not Blood Siblings being in play or all this incest could get problematic.
      • On the other hand, Yoshiyuki is the son Sakura and Junichi never had. Sakura would be both his mother and first cousin once removed, while Yoshiyuki himself would be Otome and Yume's half uncle.
  • But Not Too Foreign - Erika Murasaki in Plus Situation/Plus Communication is first introduced as the 'First Princess of a Royal Family in Eastern Europe', but knows enough about Japanese customs to refuse addressing (the more senior) Yoshiyuki as Sempai after he accidentally groped her. She is later revealed to be an Alien Girl, and also the princess of her planet as well, her real name being Erika Focus Light
  • But Now I Must Go - Done multiple times in the second season, when Yoshiyuki's friends begin to forget who he is. The best example in the show is when Yoshiyuki actually disappears in front of Otome.
  • But Thou Must! - Referenced and parodied (though you actually aren't given a choice box) in one of Otome's scenes, where she asks Yoshiyuki over and over in exactly the same way, and he mentally compares her to a princess who's been captured by a dragon.
  • Butt-Monkey - Wataru
  • Callback - The second season episode entitled 'Sakuranbo and Onii-chan,' and Junichi's description of Mako, Moe, Miharu, Yoriko, and Kotori. Nemu is mentioned once by name.
    • Also, Yoshiyuki's first dream in the first episode of the second season is a callback to how Junichi had the same kind of dream (only that it involved Nemu though) in the very first episode of the first season of the original Da Capo.
  • Canon Immigrant - Aisia from the second season of Da Capo's anime adaptaion is one of the heroines in the Updated Re-release of the visual novel.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor - In the Visual Novel, Otome and Yume get drunk on Amazake. In Otome's case, one tiny cup.
    • It's implied Otome just faked being drunk to get a moment alone with Yoshiyuki, and the 'hangover' was simply her being sick from unrelated reasons, and not saying anything about it (until collapsing in the street later).
  • Cat Smile - Nanaka sports one of these often. Mayuki does so less often, but when she does it's an indicator that she's thinking of something evil.
  • Cherry Blossom Guy: Yoshiyuki Sakurai. He got from Sakura based on her own full name, Sakura Yoshino when she wished for family, and he shares a connection to the tree.
  • Chick Magnet - Akane has to spell it out for Yoshiyuki that he's rather popular with girls in Nanaka's route.
  • Childhood Friend Romance - Koko is one of the heroines and has like Yoshiyuki for years. Wataru in turn likes her, but, well, he's not the protagonist.
  • Childhood Friends - Part of the drama of Koko's route is based around the fact that Yoshiyuki, Wataru and Koko are all childhood friends. Wataru likes Koko who likes Yoshiyuki, and from there it gets complicated as attempts are made to limit the emotional fallout.
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe - The never withering sakura tree is the physical embodiment of this. However, it is exactly this in Da Capo II, as it also grants impure wishes.
  • Class Representative - Maya
  • Clingy Jealous Girl - Otome, after she and Yoshiyuki start dating in her route. Even beforehand she tended to adhere to him like glue with no sense of shame, but afterwards, the jealous part kicks in. Nanaka also.
  • Conspiracy Theorist - Suginami, though Yoshiyuki speculates that he doesn't believe in any of them and merely finds the theories interesting in and of themselves.
  • Continuity Nod - One that doesn't go explained in the English release is the series of robot names. It's explained that Minatsu is Mi + summer, with Miaki and Mifuyu being autumn and winter respectively. So what happened to spring? Why, it's Miharu of course.
  • Covert Pervert - Akane and Anzu insist that Koko is one, but it's mostly just teasing.
  • Cringe Comedy - Otome coldly reading off the titles of Yoshiyuki's porn collection to him and Yume, who are scared shitless, as she digs them out from under his bed, before ordering Yume to take them outside to burn them. Naturally, they're all very cliched porn titles about voluptuous and big breasted women.
  • Cry Cute - Yume and Otome crank up the waterworks in Season 2, especially in the second half.
  • Date Peepers - Episode 5 has Akane, Anzu, Nanaka, and Wataru spying on Yoshiyuki and Koko's date. They hilariously get busted after Wataru freaks out from hearing Anzu describe them kissing.
  • Debut Queue - Done very obviously and with an appropriate Establishing Character Moment for each heroine in the game.
  • Deceptively Human Robots - The Miaki and Mifuyu robot lines are not as human as they look. The movements are wrong and they have inhuman mannerisms, though not in a creepy way. Some details from Minatsu's route more or less confirm that this is intentional as people do not like robots that are too human.
  • Deep-Immersion Gaming - Episode 8 of the first season. Minatsu is playing a zombie shooting game, and Yoshiyuki puts a pair of virtual reality glasses on her. The next scene shows her in a dark, decrepit forest, which freaks her out, particularly when a zombie is heard behind her in the game.
  • Demoted to Extra - Nanaka of all people, has the least screentime among Yoshiyuki's friends in the second season. Also Maika Mizukoshi, who was deeply involved with Yoshiyuki due to Minatsu, is hardly seen in the second season.
    • Practically all of Yoshiyuki's classmates take a backseat in Season 2 to make room for Yume and Otome. While they have more screentime than Nanaka, they don't play as big a role as they did in season 1. Anzu is the sole exception, but after the first 4 episodes, she's not as vital except during a few scenes late in Season 2.
  • Departure Means Death - Yoshiyuki can't leave the island without slowly fading away and dying. Well, it's strongly implied anyway. Good thing Sakura gave him that pendant and he kept the promise not to take it off ever, huh?
  • Deus ex Machina - Anzu hesitates when writing her story because she can't decide if she wants to give a tragic ending where the lovers are parted, or a happy ending. She opts for the happy ending, which comes about due to a deus ex machina. This actually foreshadows her own ending.
  • Diabolus ex Machina - The result of impure wishes being granted by the sakura tree. Blatantly impossible things happen.
  • Disappears into Light - Yoshiyuki, in front of Otome.
  • Does Not Like Bananas: Minatsu has to eat bananas in order for her systems to work. Unfortunately for her, she hates them.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything? - Minatsu's early hijinks involving bananas.
  • Doting Older Sister - Yoshiyuki is pretty much Otome's favorite person in the world, and she will not hesitate to show it no matter how embarassing he may find it.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come - Yume can see the future through her dreams. This is how she found out that Yoshiyuki would disappear when Otome withered the sakura tree.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending - Yoshiyuki is brought back by Sakura, however, the price she had to pay was her existence. Also, in Season 2, expect to get Gut Punch and Trauma Conga Line repeatedly before you get to see the finale.
    • In the epilogue to the visual novel however, it turns out she's still alive, but she's lost all her memories.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita - Anzu
  • Hair Decorations - The entire female cast has something in their hair.
  • Everyone Can See It - Yoshiyuki and the Asakura sisters do pretty much the worst job ever of hiding their attraction to each other. Strangely, while they get teased for it, nobody seems to think the Brother–Sister Incest aspect is particularly wrong.
  • Expy - Most of the characters are reminiscent of characters in the original Da Capo, with some of them being descended from characters in Da Capo, though the only genealogies that are confirmed is that Yume and Otome are Junichi and Nemu's grandchildren, and Nanaka is related to Kotori, though it's been said that Nanaka also blood-related to Junichi.
    • Specifically, Yoshiyuki is an Expy of Junichi, Minatsu is a combination of Miharu and Mako, Nanaka takes over for Kotori, since she's also a Shirakawa, while Yume is a combination of both Junichi and Nemu (though Otome also resembles Nemu whenever she has her hair up). Most blatantly is Suginami, who may very well be the same Suginami from 53 years ago.
    • More specifically, supposedly, Yoshiyuki is the son that Junichi and Sakura never had, while Nanaka is the daughter that Junichi and Kotori never had.
    • Though not quite expys, Erika and Izumiko of the first Da Capo game both share the same surname, Murasaki. Although it's just an alias for the both of them. On that note, both of them are also aliens, though Izumiko isn't a princess. And while we're at it, there are also ghost girls Kasumi and Mahiru in both of the Plus Communication games.
    • On the other hand, Sakura is still the same Sakura entirely (though the cat Utamaru has been replaced with a dog, Harimao). And in the game, Aisia is the same Aisia.
    • Mizukoshi also takes over for Koyomi.
  • Fantastic Racism - Most of the students and especially Maya, Yoshiyuki's Class Representative, against Minatsu.
    • In episode 12, Minatsu saves Maya's little brother, which causes Maya, along with the rest of the school, to reconsider their opinion.
  • Fate Worse than Death - Sakura Yoshino's fate in the Visual Novel epilogue: She is doomed to wander the land for as long as she lives (which is practically forever), and she has lost all her memories.
    • YMMV. We see her being spoken to by someone else, having clearly lost her memories. In fact, this may be considered a bittersweet ending for her; While she doesn't remember Yoshiyuki anymore, the original game implied that she didn't grow older because she fell in love with Junichi but couldn't settle down with him. No longer remembering him nor tied to the past, she may be able to fall in love with someone else, grow older and have a family.
      • The person that Sakura is speaking to in the epilogue? Ricca Greenwood/Morizono Ricca.
  • Finger-Suck Healing: Yoshiyuki does this to Yume in the anime episode 7 of Da Capo II Season 2.
    • Also happens in the game, during one of Yume's clumsy attempts at cooking.
  • Foreshadowing - The puppet show provides a big insight of Yoshiyuki and Otome's relationship in the immediate future. It also has some parallels with Anzu's own ending. Does she inexplicably get better and remember Yoshiyuki, or do they tragically part?
  • Friendly Enemy - Suginami and Mayuki have a relationship something like this. It occasionally seems to even border on Foe Yay.
  • The Gadfly - Despite being Junichi's expy, it's not Yoshiyuki. Instead, the title of series troll was passed down to Anzu instead.
  • Gag Boobs - Some of the ladies of Da Capo II are pretty well stacked (Koko, Mizukoshi...), but Akane tops them all easily.
  • Gaiden Game - There are 3 without crossover: Spring Celebration for girls in original game, To You as some prequel, and Fall in Love for girls added in Plus Situation/Plus Communication. Put them together with original game, and you have complete four seasons!
  • Gainaxing - Apparently Akane's voluptuousness is such that the narration in the Visual Novel often feels the need to explicitly point out she's doing this, since being illustrated with static images leaves no way of showing this.
  • Generation Xerox - For obvious reasons, though some of the characteristics were shuffled around.
  • Genki Girl - Yuzu, one of the characters in Nanaka's route, pretty much defines this trope.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar - In the original version of the VN, Anzu is treating Yoshiyuki like a dog in return for giving him a yakisoba bread, and the last command she gives is 'beg me' which causes everyone to freeze up. The translator notes explain that it's a pun on the word dick or cock, which is normally censored in sex scenes. But Anzu is just telling him to beg.
  • Ghost Story - There is one story told per mystery of the school before the Test Of Courage.
  • Girlish Pigtails - Sakura and Nanaka.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong - Sakura was intending to bring back the magic cherry trees that granted wishes and fix the problems they had... but she made a mistake and the tree just keeps getting stronger while granting all wishes, not just the pure, gentle wishes that the original did.
  • Gratuitous English:
    Yume: Could you pass me the soy sauce please?
    • Also:
    Maya: Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  • Green-Eyed Monster - Yume is rather jealous of her sister in Yume's route. Especially since Yoshiyuki's rather oblivious to love.
  • Happily Adopted - Anzu. Yoshiyuki in the present may or may not count depending on how you look at it.
    • Yoshiyuki in the backstory - when he was brought into the Asakura household after Sakura found him, the Asakura siblings' mother, Yuki, treated him as one of her own children without hesitation and he remembers her quite fondly.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power - Contrary to the first game, Junichi insists to Yoshiyuki that being able to magically produce sweets is a pretty great magical power when teaching it to him. Considering that Yoshiyuki gets surprisingly good use of it, he's not exactly wrong.
  • Heroic Sacrifice - Done by Sakura, Junichi, and Yoshiyuki, in that order.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager - Wataru.
  • Identical Grandson: Suginami in this series looks and sounds suspiciously like the Suginami from the first Da Capo.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal - The reason Otome made her and Yoshiyuki forget about their childhood promise. Later in her story, she's practically screaming this as she withers the cherry tree and later on again when Yoshiyuki fades away as a result.
  • I'll Be in My Bunk: One possible interpretation for a scene with Yoshiyuki, Wataru and Koko where Yoshiyuki puts the image of Koko squirming in embarrassment into Wataru's head, who suddenly has to leave to take care of something. When he returns after Koko has already left, he basically comments about how he can't control his sex drive. How else are you supposed to interpret that?
  • Image Song - Six have been released for Koko, Minatsu, Nanaka, Anzu, Yume, and Otome.
  • Important Haircut - Nanaka cuts her hair very short to symbolize being heartbroken after being rejected in Koko's route. The significance isn't explained to the English speaking audience until the Sakura epilogue with a comment by Junichi when he's cutting her hair.
  • Ironic Echo - The scene where Yoshiyuki greets Koko, Wataru and Suginami, after the three of them have forgotten him. Wataru asks Koko if Yoshiyuki is her ex-boyfriend, while Koko responds that she never had a boyfriend.As You Know...
  • Kill All Humans - Minatsu's original intentions, until she got to know Yoshiyuki and the gang better.
  • Large Ham - Suginami.
    • Wataru as well, particularly when lamenting Yoshiyuki's Unwanted Harem and his own virginity.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia - Yoshiyuki forgot his childhoodpromise with Otome because she used magic to make herself forget it, which carried over to Yoshiyuki.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall - 'Oh God, please! Let me make a different decision! I want to go back to a few minutes ago!'
  • Lethal Chef - Yume seems to have inherited Nemu's bad cooking; however, just like Nemu, she improves drastically after one season.
  • Little Miss Snarker - Anzu has a strong tendency towards deadpan and teasing.
  • Little Sister Heroine - Yume. A clear expy of Nemu, she remains a definite tsundere type and is largely differentiated by being less of a Clingy Jealous Girl.
  • Living Emotional Crutch - A mild example, but early in Otome's path it becomes clear Yoshiyuki is the reason she doesn't break down from stress.
  • Love Triangle - Multiple examples. Nanaka -> Yoshiyuki <- Koko, Wataru -> Koko -> Yoshiyuki and Otome -> Yoshiyuki <- Yume are probably the three best examples. Anzu does apologize under her breath to Koko when confessing to Yoshiyuki in her own route, but Koko never makes any fuss over it there.
  • Marshmallow Hell - In episode 4 of the anime, after falling down in a three legged race, Anzu pushes Yoshiyuki's head down onto Koku's chest, and keeps him from being able to get up from there.
  • Matchmaker Crush - Anzu and Akane are supporting Koko in her endeavors, but Anzu likes him as well and has for some time. Akane is also implied to have a bit of a crush, but has no route in the original. In Plus Communication though... Nanaka was also supposed to be supporting Koko, which is the primary source of drama in her own route and in Koko's can give you a Nonstandard Game Over if you make certain choices.
  • Meaningful Name - Yoshiyuki Sakurai's name who was named by Sakura when he appeared after she wished for 'family,' is a variation of Sakura's own name, Sakura Yoshino.
    • More meaningful is the fact that Sakurai literally means From within Sakura. A big indication of Yoshiyuki's true origin.
    • Also Yume, who doesn't dream.
  • Meganekko - Occasionally, Yume. Maya just about all the time. Also Mizukoshi-sensei.
  • A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read - As Nanaka discovered. She also gets quite embarrassed when she reads what Yoshiyuki and Yume did the night before.
    • In episode 7 of the anime, also happens when she tries to confess her feelings for Yoshiyuki. After getting trapped up on the roof during a typhoon, he ends up rescuing her due to a coincidence where he went back to get his notebook. She almost seems to confess her feelings for her, until he accidentally touches her hand, which causes her to understand his intention, which was purely as a friend.
  • Moment Killer - In the anime, Koko and Yoshiyuki seem to suffer from these a lot by their otherwise well-meaning friends.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye - Obviously, everyone other than Yume and Otome, who are the last two to remember Yoshiyuki's existence.
  • Nice Guy - Yoshiyuki for the most part. Interestingly, this, along with another problem, gets his relationship in trouble with Koko in the anime. He seems so interested/dedicated to helping others, particularly Amakase, that it causes him to ignore Koko's feelings and reject her desires to help him with those issues, that she breaks up with him.
  • Nice Hat - Minatsu's black-and-white hat.
  • No Hugging, No Kissing - The girls are all unattached. Obviously. However, at points it is justified or averted. Nanaka is popular enough to get confessions all the time, but rejects them because the admirers are shallow and Koko is fixated on Yoshiyuki. And it's mentioned in passing outside of Minatsu's* route that she's gotten a boyfriend.
  • No Ontological Inertia - The effects of wishes granted by the magical sakura tree are cancelled out when the tree dies, most dramatically applying to the protagonist himself.
  • Non-Human Sidekick - The chibi dog Harimao, who seems to have replaced Utamaru.
  • Nonstandard Game Over - If you have enough points with Nanaka, in what should be the Koko route you can instead choose to end up with Nanaka instead due to Yoshiyuki feeling guilty for being an ass earlier and sympathy due to her being in the hospital because of him. The story ends with this instead of continuing.
  • No Sense of Personal Space - Nanaka has a tendency to get very hands on with people she barely knows, which has causes some misunderstandings. Otome is also very touchy-feely with Yoshiyuki, though not with anybody else.
  • Not Blood Siblings - Yume and Otome with respect to Yoshiyuki. Of course, as expected, they take up Nemu's mantle.
  • Not So Different - Minatsu actually notes at one point that she probably doesn't have the right to get too angry at how she's being treated considering her attitude towards humans when she first woke up.
  • No Name Given / Only One Name - Like many things about him, what Suginami's full name may be, or even if he has one beyond 'Suginami', is a mystery.
  • Oblivious to Love - Yoshiyuki, Yoshiyuki, Yoshiyuki... It's enough to make you wish Junichi had also passed along some of his common sense along with the candy making trick.
  • Older Than They Look- Sakura doesn't look like she's aged at all since Da Capo.
  • Out-of-Character Moment - A scene in Koko's route is forced onto Yoshiyuki where he becomes uncharacteristically dickish by randomly starting to date Nanaka even though both know he doesn't like her and telling Koko about it in a spiteful manner because otherwise there's really not enough conflict going on to keep the story going.
  • Panty Shot - Nanaka's introductory CG.
  • Parental Abandonment - Anzu, who was abandoned by her parents because of her terrible memory. She then made a wish on the sakura tree to have excellent memory. When Otome withers the tree, she loses this ability.
  • Parental Substitute - Sakura, Junichi, and Otome together all play some sort of parental role for the Asakura and Yoshino households, though Otome herself is still a teenager. And Sakura subverts it because she's Yoshiyuki's actual mother.
  • Petite Pride - Unlike Otome, Anzu is not against using her flatness.
  • Playing Cyrano - Anzu and Akane to Koko for Yoshiyuki.
  • Put on a Bus - After Minatsu's expulsion/graduation, she and her whereabouts are not mentioned at all in the second season. However, in her route's epilogue in the visual novel, it's explained that she is one of the first androids assigned in the government's effort to improve relations between android and humans.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes - Otome is fond of using these on Yoshiyuki.
  • The Quiet One - Anzu.
  • Ret Gone - Yoshiyuki in Otome and Yume's routes temporarily
  • Ridiculously Human Robots - Minatsu remarks in irritation that she really doesn't need functions like muscular soreness or some sort of artificial virginal blood.
  • Robot Girl - Minatsu.
  • Sadistic Choice - Otome eventually has to choose between withering the sakura tree, causing Yoshiyuki to disappear as his existence was a result of a wish it granted, or allow it to live and continue granting malicious wishes that harmed the people of the island.
  • School Idol - Nanaka and Otome. Yes, TWO School Idols, in case one wasn't enough for you.
  • Selective Obliviousness - After awhile in Nanaka's route, a few people call Yoshiyuki out on not noticing the situation, leading the the impression that he really just doesn't want to have to choose between the two or think about it at all. It's debatable, though, due to later events in the story.
  • The Seven Mysteries - One event in the game features a Test Of Courage, based on these mysteries.
  • Shout-Out - The minor character 'Garrison-sensei'. According to the translators of the game, yes, there really was a character directly referencing South Park in the Visual Novel.
    • To be specific, in the original Japanese versions, his name is displayed as a seemingly random string of kanji that made no literal sense whatsoever (think transliteration of foreign languages into Chinese, or the stuff that was pulled in Musha Gundam). The trick here is that when said string is read out loud, it SOUNDS like 'Garrison'.
  • Show Within a Show - Anzu's play.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang - Otome is hard working, a Supreme Chef, and dotes on Yoshiyuki constantly and without shame. Yume loves to be lazy and lounge around, is a Lethal Chef, and is tsundere toward Yoshiyuki.
  • Spell My Name with an 'S' - Erika Murasaki's actual surname lacks an official romanization. Focus Light or Forcathrite?
  • Spirited Competitor - Mayuki. She enjoys Suginami's pranks because of the challenge foiling him presents and at one point challenges Yoshiyuki to a literal Cooking Duel when she learns he knows how to cook.
  • Stepford Smiler - Sakura. She is genuinely happy most of the time, but she hides darker secrets.
    • Arguably Yuzu is one too.
  • Student Council President - Otome.
  • Super-Deformed - The map choices for lunch time and after school have Super-Deformed pictures of the girl whose event will be at that location, averting one particular Guide Dang It! from the first game.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial - Minatsu lies a lot, but is absolutely terrible at it, leading straight into this. Yoshiyuki eventually gets around her tsundere attitude by phrasing any requests or invitations in a way that her pride can quickly accept.
  • Suspiciously Vague Age - Just like the prequel, the cast is 13-15 for the middle schoolers and no older than 17 with Otome. So they don't even mention what kind of school they attend, a middle school.
    • However, in one of the scenes in visual novel, they drank alcohol, which is only allowed for over 20 in Japanese law.
  • The Tease - Anzu and Akane. Anzu in particular combines a talent for innuendos and knowledge of moe tropes to hilarious effect.
  • Technology Marches On - In-universe example. In episode 6 of Season 1, Minatsu, a highly advanced Robot Girl, seems amazed that Yoshiyuki is able to talk on a small device known as a cellphone. Which apparently didn't exist before she was put to sleep. (Or at the very least used to be much bigger)
    • It is also a Hilarious in Hindsight moment, as the writers at the time had no way to foresee how the advent of smart phones would turn the miniaturization trend on its head for the sake of larger screen sizes.
  • Test Of Courage - One possible event in the game.
  • Thanks for the Mammary - Yoshiyuki's first encounter with Erika. It all goes downhill from there.
  • Theme Naming - The robot series. Miharu (spring) and Minatsu (summer) followed by the more robotic Miaki (autumn) and Mifuyu (winter) lines of robots.
  • They Do - Koko and Yoshiyuki, in the first episode. They break up late into the first season.
  • Third Act Stupidity - Koko's route requires Yoshiyuki to become very, very stupid and insensitive. While neither is entirely out of character, he takes it to a whole new level.
  • Third-Person Person - Minatsu.
  • Time Skip - Da Capo II takes place 53 years after the events of Da Capo.
  • Token Mini-Moe - Anzu, though as she notes she's not as much of one as Sakura. While her clothing emphasizes it it turns out she's actually not that underdeveloped.
    • Hilariously, Sakura is the oldest member of the cast, but still looks like she should be the youngest.
    • And let's go to Plus Situation/Plus Communication to find Aisia, yes, the one shown before.
  • Took a Level in Badass - It's strongly implied that Junichi became a proper, fully qualified magician over the timeskip between the games. While he's apparently still not as good as Sakura, he's good enough to try and fail at controlling the out of control sakura tree.
  • Trauma Conga Line - Happens to Yoshiyuki, and to a lesser extent, Otome, in Season 2.
  • Tsundere - Minatsu and Yume. Later Erika in Plus Situation/Plus Communication. Minatsu is a bit more along the lines of a classic tsundere; once she warms up to Yoshiyuki she stays pretty dere after starting off genuinely disliking him.
    • Saying about Erika, just think of who voiced her...
  • Twice Shy - Koko route.
  • Unwanted Harem - By the end of the second season, we have Yume, Otome, Koko, and Nanaka. That's not even counting Anzu, who may harbor feelings for Yoshiyuki.
    • In the game, at least, it's revealed that, yes, Anzu did have feelings for Yoshiyuki prior to the start of the story.
    • Also lampshaded by Wataru, who pulls Yoshiyuki aside and notes all the girls in his harem.
  • Unlockable Content - The Asakura sisters' endings are unlocked by completing three of the four initially available heroines' routes, and then after them, there's the epilogue with Sakura.
    • In Plus Communication it has changed a lot, where the Asakura sisters' routes are unlocked by completing two of the eight heroines' routes with different second chapter except Mahiru, but their endings are locked by Sakura epilogue. It's still not over after that, where you still have Aisia route, followed by two hidden characters.
  • Updated Re-release - Like its predecessor, this one has updated versions with new characters and storylines, in the form of Plus Situation for the PS2 (with no adult content) and Plus Communication for the PC (with adult content).
  • Utsuge - And how!
  • Volleying Insults - Yoshiyuki's failed attempts at clearing up his bad first impression with Erika eventually degenerates to this.
  • Wham Episode - The episode where it's revealed that Yoshiyuki was the result of a wish made by Sakura 10 years prior to the beginning of the series.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway? - Subverted by Yoshiyuki's magical sweets making ability, as mentioned under Heart Is an Awesome Power. On the other hand, he's pretty down on his ability to see other people's dreams, since from his perspective it gets in the way of having restful sleep, not to mention that he's terrible at determining whose dreams he's seeing, especially when they're being had by people very close to him and giving away important information about their back story.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human? - Maya harbors hate for all robots, because her father, who developed the MU type, committed suicide due to him being pestered by the unpleasable consumers of his robots.
  • Wistful Amnesia - When Otome withers the sakura tree, people begin to forget Yoshiyuki, because his existence was the result of a wish made by Sakura.
    • Anzu also has difficulty remembering Yoshiyuki, but is very comfortable and familiar around him after the cherry tree dies.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain - Wataru gets a love letter at the end of Nanaka's route... from a second year boy.
  • You Can't Fight Fate - Yume's visions of the future always come true no matter how she tries to stop them. However, no one said she saw everything that would happen, did they?
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair - Minatsu is blue, Nanaka and Akane are pink
  • Your Days Are Numbered - Otome and Yume routes. Otome is visibly surprised when it turns out not to occur in one of the other routes.
  • Zettai Ryouiki - Koko and Anzu are Grade A.


(Redirected from D.C.: Da Capo)
Da Capo
(Da Kāpo)
GenreFantasy, Harem, Romantic comedy
DeveloperCircus (Circus Northern)
PublisherCircus (Windows)
Kadokawa Shoten (PS2 Plus Situation, PS2 Four Seasons, PSP I & II Plus Situation Portable)
Sweets (PS2 The Origin, PS2 Innocent Finale)
Idea Factory (PSP Girl's Symphony Pocket)
MangaGamer (Windows)
GenreEroge, Visual novel
PlatformWindows, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable
ReleasedJune 28, 2002 (CD)
Written byCircus
Illustrated byNatsuki Tanihara
Published byKadokawa Shoten
Original runFebruary 10, 2003April 10, 2004
Anime television series
Directed byNagisa Miyazaki (episodes 1-26)
Munenori Nawa(episodes 27-52)
Music byYugo Kanno
StudioZexcs(episodes 1-26)
Feel(episodes 27-52)
Original networkChiba TV, KBS Kyoto, Kids Station, Sun TV, TV Aichi, TV Kanagawa, TV Saitama
Original run July 11, 2003 December 24, 2005
Episodes52 (List of episodes)
Da Capo: Second Graduation
Written byCircus
Illustrated byCherish
Published byKadokawa Shoten
Original runAugust 10, 2004July 10, 2006
Original video animation
Da Capo: If
Directed byKenichiro Komaya
Written byMasashi Suzuki
Released December 25, 2008 March 25, 2009
Runtime24 minutes each
Game sequels

Da Capo (〜ダ・カーポ〜Da Kāpo, commonly abbreviated as D.C.) is a Japanese adultvisual novel developed by Circus' division Circus Northern which was released as a limited edition on June 28, 2002 playable on Windows as a CD-ROM; a DVD-ROM version followed on July 26, 2002. An English release was scheduled for December 25, 2008, and the game was available for a brief time on that date, but the title was pulled until January 20, 2009. Da Capo began as a series of prelude short scenarios in the Suika fandisc Archimedes no Wasuremono, and since the initial release, there have been numerous different versions released for Windows and PlayStation 2 over the years with updated scenarios and characters. The gameplay in Da Capo follows a plot line which offers pre-determined scenarios with courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the seven female main characters.

Circus described Da Capo as a 'ticklish school romance adventure' (こそばゆい学園恋愛アドベンチャーkosobayui gakuen renai adobenchā). A sequel set 53 years after the end of Da Capo, Da Capo II, was released on May 26, 2006 and features a new cast of characters living two generations after the original. Da Capo is set on a fictional island in modern Japan, Hatsunejima (初音島), where the sakura trees are always in full blossom. Da Capo is an Italian musical term meaning 'from the beginning', and the game was such named with parts of the storyline going into loop before approaching the true end.

There have been numerous adaptations into other media. Two manga series were serialized between 2003 and 2006 in Kadokawa Shoten's Comptiq magazine illustrated by different manga artists. Two anime series, produced by different animation studios and directed by different directors, were produced in 2003 and 2005, each containing 26 episodes. Two radio shows, five novel adaptations, four drama CD adaptations, and an original video animation series have also been produced.

Da Capo Ii Plus Communication

  • 3Development
  • 4Adaptations


Da Capo's gameplay requires little interaction from the player, as it is a classic visual novel: most of the duration of the game is spent simply reading the text that appears on the screen which represents either dialogue between the various characters or the inner thoughts of the protagonist. Every so often, the player will come to a point where he or she is given the chance to choose from multiple options. The time between these points is variable and can occur anywhere from a minute to much longer. Gameplay pauses at these points and depending on which choice the player makes, the plot will progress in a specific direction. There are seven main plot lines that the player will have the chance to experience, one for each of the heroines in the story. To view all seven plot lines, the player will have to replay the game multiple times and make different decisions to progress the plot in an alternate direction. Throughout gameplay, the player enables the viewing of sex scenes depicting the protagonist, Jun'ichi, and one of the seven heroines having sex.

Plus Communication Albania


Da Capo centers around Jun'ichi Asakura, who lives with his adopted sister Nemu on Hatsune, a fictional crescent-shaped island where cherry blossoms bloom all year long, where they attend Kazami Academy (風見学園Kazami Gakuen) high school. On this island, people have mysterious powers and attributes, sourced by the unwilting magical cherry tree. Jun'ichi can see other people's dreams. One of his friends, Kotori Shirakawa, is an idol at the school who can 'read minds'. One day, to Jun'ichi's surprise, his cousin Sakura Yoshino comes back from America all of a sudden, who looks exactly the same girl that moved away six years ago, and has not aged one bit. She returned to remind Jun'ichi of their childhood promise.


Da Capo was Circus' sixth game, but was the fourth game developed by the development group Circus Northern who had also produced their second title Suika. The game's production was headed by Tororo, president of Circus, who also worked on the game's music, and was directed by Mikage and Hotaru Koizumi.[1] The scenario in the game was divided between four people who worked on the different stories for the heroines. Mikage wrote Nemu's and Sakura's scenarios; Kure (short for Soratobuenban ni Kure ga Notta yo) wrote Kotori's and Yoriko's scenarios; Yoko Yoko wrote Moe's and Mako's scenarios; and Mari wrote Miharu's scenario. Character design and art direction was divided between three people. Naru Nanao designed Nemu, Sakura, and Kotori; Igul designed Miharu, Moe, Mako, and others; and Kanon Ikutata designed the chibi characters, and others. The opening video was produced by Nitroplus.

Da Capo Ii Plus Communication English Test

Release history[edit]

Da Capo was first released in Japan as an adult game for Windows on June 28, 2002 as a CD-ROM in limited and regular editions.[1] A version as a DVD-ROM followed on July 26, 2002 in limited and regular editions,[1] and a package containing both CD- and DVD-ROM versions was released on September 26, 2003.[2] A version of the original game was ported to the PlayStation 2 titled Da Capo: The Origin (〜ダ・カーポ〜 ジ オリジン〜) on February 14, 2008. A limited and regular edition of an extended version with updated storylines and characters, but with the adult content removed, was released on the PlayStation 2 on October 30, 2003 titled Da Capo: Plus Situation (〜ダ・カーポ プラスシチュエーション〜). A 'best' version was released of D.C.P.S. on July 14, 2005. Circus released an adult version of D.C.P.S. on May 28, 2004 named Da Capo: Plus Communication (〜ダ・カーポ〜 プラスコミュニケーション) as a limited edition playable as a CD- and DVD-ROM for Windows.[3] The regular edition of the game followed on June 4, 2004.[3] This game was again re-released on December 16, 2005 as a 'gratitude pack',[4] and again on June 29, 2007 updated for Windows Vista.[5]

A fandisc titled Da Capo: White Season (〜ダ・カーポ ホワイトシーズン〜) was released for Windows on December 13, 2002 as a Christmas limited edition; the regular edition followed on January 24, 2003 in CD- and DVD-ROM editions.[6] A renewal package edition of White Season playable as a DVD was released on February 25, 2005.[6] Another fandisc followed for Windows on August 27, 2004 as a limited edition titled Da Capo: Summer Vacation (〜ダ・カーポ サマーバケーション〜).[7] The regular edition of Summer Vacation followed on September 3, 2004,[8] and a CD-ROM version was released on August 5, 2005.[9] Another version for the PlayStation 2 was released on December 15, 2005 in limited and regular editions called Da Capo: Four Seasons (〜ダ・カーポ〜 フォーシーズンズ). A Windows version of Four Seasons was released by Circus on June 27, 2008 with added adult content called Da Capo: After Seasons (〜ダ・カーポ〜 アフターシーズンズ).[10]

An adult fandisc titled Circus Disc: Christmas Days (〜サーカスディスク クリスマスデイズ〜) was released by Circus for Windows as a limited edition DVD on December 22, 2006, and as a regular edition on January 1, 2007. Three DVD Players Game versions were released in limited and regular editions separately covering the heroines Nemu, Sakura, and Kotori; the games were released between June 1, 2007 and September 28, 2007. An adult spin-off title called Da Capo Poker (〜ダ・カーポーカー〜) was released by Circus on February 29, 2008 as a limited edition DVD, and on March 28, 2008 as a regular edition.[11] A sequel to Christmas Days for Windows titled C.D.C.D.2 (〜シーディーシーディー2〜) was released on July 25, 2008, and an otome gamespin-off for Windows titled Da Capo: Girls Symphony (〜ダ・カーポ〜 ガールズ シンフォニー) was released on September 26, 2008, followed by the PSP version for 2010. An English adult version of the original visual novel available for download online by European-based company MangaGamer was released on January 23, 2009.[12]



Many novels have been written based on Da Capo and its updated versions. The first series of novels based on the original Da Capo game was a series of six novels written by Tasuku Saika between December 2002 and February 2004.[13] Saika also wrote a series of six novels between October 2004 and May 2005 based on Plus Communication.[13] Four more novels based on Plus Communication were written by Izumi Okazaki, illustrated by Mikeō, and were published by Enterbrain between February 2005 and September 30, 2006. Two novels based on the manga adaptation Second Graduation were written by Miyuki Gotō and released in October 2005 and January 2006. A single novel based on Four Seasons and written by Circus, Chiruda Sasamiya, and Masashi Suzuki with illustrations by Cherish was published on March 25, 2006.

Drama CDs[edit]

Many drama CDs have been produced based on the original Da Capo visual novel and the anime adaptations. The first drama CD was released for the visual novel by Lantis on January 22, 2003 titled Shunshoku no Shima (春色の島).[14] A drama CD titled Nemu Hajime (音夢はじめ) was released by Circus for the visual novel as a limited edition, and was not widely distributed. For the first anime season, six drama CDs with each covering a single heroine except for the sixth volume which covers two heroines; the CDs were released between July 22, 2004 and April 26, 2005.[15] Three more drama CDs were released for the second anime season between January 25, 2006 and June 7, 2006.[15]


There have been two manga adaptations of Da Capo. The first Da Capo manga was illustrated by Natsuki Tanihara and was serialized in Kadokawa Shoten's Comptiq magazine between February 10, 2003 and April 10, 2004.[16][17] Two bound volumes were released for the first manga. The second manga, titled Da Capo: Second Graduation, was illustrated by Cherish and was serialized in Comptiq between August 10, 2004 and July 10, 2006.[18][19] Three volumes were released for the second manga. Many manga anthologies have also been produced over the years.


There have been two anime series and one original video animation based on Da Capo. The first anime series was produced by the Japanese animation studio Zexcs and directed by Nagisa Miyazaki. It aired in Japan between July 11, 2003 to December 27, 2003, and spanned 26 episodes. The first seven episodes of the series aired with image songs performed by the Japanese voice actresses who voiced main female characters, while episodes eight through 14 and 16 through 21 were aired with side episodes, with episode 22 onwards aired in full-length, lasting about 24 minutes. The second anime series, Da Capo: Second Season, was produced by Feel and directed by Munenori Nawa. The series also spanned 26 episodes and aired in Japan between July 2, 2005 to December 24, 2005. A two-episode OVA series titled Da Capo: If, produced by Zexcs and featuring Kotori Shirakawa as the main character was released with two DVD box-sets containing the first and second anime series.[20] The first DVD box-set, containing the first anime series and the first OVA episode was released on December 25, 2008. The second DVD box-set, containing the second anime series and the second OVA episode was released on March 25, 2009.

The first anime series had four pieces of theme music, one opening theme and three ending themes. The opening theme is 'Sakura Saku Mirai Koi Yume' (サクラサクミライコイユメ, lit, 'Love Dream of the Future Where the Sakura Bloom') sung by Yozuca*, although was used as the ending theme for the first, and last episodes. The first ending theme is 'Mirai e no Melody' (未来へのMelody, lit. 'Melody to the Future') by CooRie which was used in episodes two through seven, nine through 14, and 16 through 20. The second ending theme is 'Utamaru Ekaki Uta' (うたまるえかき唄, lit. 'Utamaru Drawing Song') by Haruko Momoi which was used in episodes eight and 15. The third ending theme is 'Sonzai' (存在, lit. 'Existence') by CooRie and was used in episodes 21 through 25, though was also used as the opening theme for the final episode.

The second anime series had three pieces of theme music, one opening theme and two ending themes. The opening theme is 'Sakurairo no Kisetsu' (サクライロノキセツ, lit. 'The Cherry Blossom-colored Season') by Yozuca*, though the first episode's version does not use vocals. The first ending theme is 'Akatsuki ni Saku Uta' (暁に咲く詩, lit. 'The Verse Blooming in Dawn') by CooRie and was used in episodes one through 23, and in the final episode. The second ending theme is 'Kioku Love Letter' (記憶ラブレター, lit. 'Remembrance Love Letter') by CooRie which was used in episodes 24 and 25.

Radio shows[edit]

Two radios shows have been produced for the anime adaptations of Da Capo. The first show named Da Capo: Hatsunejima Hōsōgyoku (〜ダ・カーポ〜 初音島放送局) aired between October 4, 2003 and June 25, 2005 on Radio Osaka and TBS Radio in Japan every Sunday late at night. The first radio show served to promote the first anime season and contained 91 broadcasts.[21] Four CDs were released containing some of the broadcasts from the first radio show were released by Lantis between March 3, 2004 and June 22, 2005.[15] The second show titled Hatsunejima Hōsōgyoku S.S. (初音島放送局S.S), this time streamed online, aired every Friday between July 8, 2005 and June 2, 2006, and was distributed by Lantis and Animate. The second radio show served to promote the second anime season and contained 47 broadcasts. Three CDs were released containing most of the broadcasts from the second radio show were released by Lantis between October 5, 2005 and May 24, 2005.[15]


Da Capo Ii Plus Communication English Free

The original visual novel of Da Capo has four pieces of theme music, one opening theme, two ending themes, and one insert song. The opening theme is 'Da Capo: Dai 2 Button no Chikai' (ダ・カーポ 〜第2ボタンの誓い〜) which is written and composed by Tororo and sung by Yozuca*. The first ending theme is 'Dream: The ally of' written by Tororo, composed by Naoyuki Nagata, and sung by Rino. The second ending theme is 'Dream: The other side' written by Tororo, composed by Takayuki Azuma, and sung by Noriko Mitose. A single containing the opening and ending themes was released by Lantis on August 22, 2002.[22] The insert song is 'Small Cherry: promised bell' written by Tororo, composed by Angel Note, and sung by Mami Nakayama from Angel Note.

The Da Capo Complete Original Soundtrack was released by Lantis on September 25, 2002 containing two discs with 33 tracks.[23] An image song album for Da Capo titled Songs from Da Capo was released by Lantis on November 22, 2002 which also included some drama tracks.[24] Two image song albums were released for Plus Situation on April 7 and July 7, 2004 titled D.C.P.S.C.S.1 and D.C.P.S.C.S.2, respectively.[25][26] A vocal mini album for Four Seasons was released by Lantis on February 8, 2006.[27]

The single containing the first anime season's opening and ending themes titled 'Sakura Saku Mirai Koi Yume' (サクラサクミライコイユメ) was released by Lantis on July 24, 2003.[28] Three image song albums were released by Lantis for the first anime season, each with two or three characters per album. The first volume, for Nemu and Yoriko, contained songs sung by Sakura Nogawa and Miyu Matsuki, and was released on August 27, 2003.[29] The second image song album, for Sakura, Moe and Mako, contained songs sung by Yukari Tamura, Yui Itsuki and Yuki Matsuoka, and was released on September 26, 2003.[30] The third image song album, for Kotori and Miharu, contained songs sung by Yui Horie and Akemi Kanda, and was released on October 22, 2003.[31] A vocal album containing songs sung by Yozuca* and Rino titled Dolce was released by Lantis on December 26, 2003.[32] Three more volumes of vocal albums were released by Lantis, each covering one character. The first named Ribbons&Candies for Nemu contained songs sung by Sakura Nogawa and was released on September 1, 2004.[33] The second album named My Little Wish for Sakura contained songs sung by Yukari Tamura and was released on December 1, 2004.[34] The third album titled Happy Days for Yoriko contained songs sung by Miyu Matsuki and was released on July 6, 2005.[35] A best of album containing songs from the games and the anime seasons of Da Capo titled Hatsunejima Best Da Capo Best Selection (初音島ベスト D.C.〜ダ・カーポ〜ベストセレクション) was released by Lantis on November 21, 2007.[36] Two original soundtracks were released for the first anime season, the first titled Amoroso and the second named Brillante which were released by Lantis on November 27, 2003 and March 24, 2004, respectively.[37][38]

The single containing the second anime seasons' opening theme titled 'Sakurairo no Kisetsu' (サクライロノキセツ) was released by Lantis on July 21, 2005.[39] The single containing the second anime seasons' ending theme titled 'Akatsuki ni Saku Uta' (暁に咲く詩) was released by Lantis on August 24, 2005.[40] An image song single for the character Aisia was released by Lantis on September 7, 2005.[41] Two volumes of vocal albums were released by Lantis on October 26, 2005 and May 10, 2006 containing songs sung by voice actresses from the anime.[42][43] A follow-up of the previously released Dolce album titled Dolce2 was released on December 21, 2005.[44] Two original soundtracks were released for the second anime season which were released by Lantis on November 23, 2005 and January 25, 2006, respectively.[45][46]

Da Capo Ii Plus Communication English Dub


According to a national ranking of how well bishōjo games sold nationally in Japan, the original Da Capo release for Windows achieved its highest rank at number one in the ranking.[47] In the October 2007 issue of Dengeki G's Magazine, poll results for the 50 best bishōjo games were released. Out of 249 titles, Da Capo ranked sixth with 61 votes.[48]


  1. ^ abc'Information section at the original visual novel's official website' (in Japanese). Circus. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  2. ^'Da Capo 'gratitude pack' official website' (in Japanese). Circus. Archived from the original on May 24, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  3. ^ ab'Da Capo: Plus Communication official website' (in Japanese). Circus. Archived from the original on May 2, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  4. ^'Da Capo Plus Communication 'gratitude pack' official website' (in Japanese). Circus. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  5. ^'Da Capo Plus Communication Vista version official website' (in Japanese). Circus. Archived from the original on May 19, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  6. ^ ab'Da Capo: White Season official website' (in Japanese). Circus. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  7. ^'Da Capo: Summer Vacation limited edition official website' (in Japanese). Circus. Archived from the original on April 26, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  8. ^'Da Capo: Summer Vacation regular edition official website' (in Japanese). Circus. Archived from the original on April 26, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  9. ^'Da Capo: Summer Vacation CD-ROM version official website' (in Japanese). Circus. Archived from the original on April 25, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  10. ^'Da Capo: After Seasons product information' (in Japanese). Circus. Archived from the original on May 16, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  11. ^'Da Capo Poker about section' (in Japanese). Circus. Archived from the original on September 13, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  12. ^'Da Capo English release'. MangaGamer. Retrieved February 9, 2009.
  13. ^ ab'Novels section at Da Capo's official website' (in Japanese). Circus. Archived from the original on May 19, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  14. ^'Shunshoku no Shima drama CD official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  15. ^ abcd'Da Capo CDs released by Lantis' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved 2008-07-10.
  16. ^'Comptiq March 2003 issue' (in Japanese). Kadokawa Shoten. Archived from the original on May 17, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  17. ^'Comptiq May 2004 issue' (in Japanese). Kadokawa Shoten. Archived from the original on May 17, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  18. ^'Comptiq September 2004 issue' (in Japanese). Kadokawa Shoten. Archived from the original on June 30, 2006. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  19. ^'Comptiq August 2006 issue' (in Japanese). Kadokawa Shoten. Archived from the original on May 17, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  20. ^'D.C.I.F. Da Capo If Part I OVA Announced'. Anime News Network. September 6, 2008. Retrieved September 30, 2008.
  21. ^'Personality section at the radio show's official website' (in Japanese). Da Capo Production Committee. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  22. ^''Da Capo: Dai 2 Button no Chikai' single official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  23. ^'Da Capo Complete Original Soundtrack official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  24. ^'Songs from Da Capo album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  25. ^'D.C.P.S.C.S.1 official album listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  26. ^'D.C.P.S.C.S.2 official album listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  27. ^'D.C.F.S.: Da Capo Four Seasons official album listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  28. ^''Sakura Saku Mirai Koi Yume' single official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  29. ^'Nemu and Yoriko image song album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  30. ^'Sakura, Moe, and Mako image song album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  31. ^'Kotori and Miharu image song album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  32. ^'Dolce album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  33. ^'Ribbons&Candies album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  34. ^'My Little Wish album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  35. ^'Happy Days album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  36. ^'Hatsunejima Best Da Capo Best Selection album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  37. ^'Amoroso album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  38. ^'Brillante album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  39. ^''Sakurairo no Kisetsu' single official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  40. ^''Akatsuki ni Saku Uta' single official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  41. ^'Aisia image song single official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  42. ^'D.C.S.S. vocal album volume 1 official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  43. ^''D.C.S.S. vocal album volume 2 official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  44. ^'Dolce2 album official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  45. ^'D.C.S.S. Original Soundtrack Vol. 1 official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  46. ^'D.C.S.S. Original Soundtrack Vol. 2 official listing' (in Japanese). Lantis. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  47. ^'PEAKS PCnewsWEB' (in Japanese). Peakspub. Archived from the original on December 27, 2005. Retrieved March 30, 2014.
  48. ^'読者が選ぶ MY BEST ギャルゲーランキング 電撃G'smagazine.com' [Reader Chosen MY BEST Girl Game Ranking Dengeki G's magazine.com] (in Japanese). ASCII Media Works. Archived from the original on October 11, 2007. Retrieved March 30, 2014.

External links[edit]

  • Circus' official Da Capo website(in Japanese)
  • Anime's official website(in Japanese)
  • Da Capo (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia
  • Da Capo at The Visual Novel Database

Da Capo Ii Plus Communication English Pdf

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