
  1. Densha De D Game
  2. Densha De Go 3 Crackle Free

Densha de Go! 3 [Help Center (?)] Add to Cart: US$206.81 (JPY22,500) Prices are automatically linked to market prices in Japan, some rare items are more expensive than regular price. Inventory information is updated once each day. All products are new, however, the condition of the box is not guaranteed. Densha de Go! Controler Type2. Densha de Go! 64 is a train simulator in which the player acts as a conductor for a Japanese locomotive. Although it can be played with a conventional Nintendo 64 controller, a special controller made to look like a panel found on a train could also be used.

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Densha de GO!
Densha de GO!Final logo
Developer(s)Taito, Unbalance (PC only), Ongakukan (incooperation with Taito)
PlatformPC, PS1, PS2, PS3, WonderSwan, Game Boy Color,Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, Mobile phones, PlayStation Portable, Wii
Available inJapanese, English, Chinese (last two refersto Railfan in Densha de GO!mode)
DevelopmentstatusEnded development in 2007 (officially).
TypeTrain simulator
LicenseCopyrighted, with third-party extension forBVE Trainsim;Densha de GO! interface adopted into Railfan.
WebsiteSee 'External Links'

Densha de GO!電車でGO!Densha de GO! (Lit: Go By(electric)Train)

  • 2The current stateof the franchise
  • 3Densha de GO!controllers


Each Densha de GO title contains actual train (or tram) routesbased on real services in Japan. For the most part, the user's taskis to drive the train and adhere to a very exacting timetable,including stopping at stations to within as little as 30 cm ofa prescribed stopping point, ideally within half a second of thescheduled arrival time. While the specifics vary slightly betweenversions, generally speaking along the way, the user is expected toobey speed limits and other posted signs, sound a warning for workparties along the track, arrive at between-station waypoints ontime, and perform similar tasks.

Densha de GO varies from the Train Simulator series fromOngakukan primarily in that while the Ongakukan series uses videotaken from cameras mounted to the front of real-world trains forits graphics, Densha de GO titles rely upon computer-drawngraphics. The upside to the Ongakukan approach is that the driversview is video realistic. Upsides to the Densha de GO approachinclude that the gameplay can be significantly smoother (as thevideo-based approach is only as smooth at slow speeds as the videoframe rates allow) and the gameplay can be more varied, as theprogrammers can dynamically change weather, time-of-day, othertraffic, and similar effects.

Neither series, however, can be accurately called a truetrain-driving simulator, as that is not their focus. Titles such asBVE (Boso ViewExpress), Microsoft Train Simulator andTrainz do a more faithful jobof realistic train control and physics simulation. However, tosimply call Densha de GO a 'game' and the others 'simulators' wouldlikewise be somewhat unfair, as the titles simulate many otheraspects of the railroad experience (including fidelity to theoutside world and station environment, sounds, traffic, andsignalling) far more faithfully than programs which concentrate onthe technical details of train driving. As such, Densha de GO hasgained as fans many railroad enthusiasts who would not be otherwisedrawn to mere games.

Densha De D Game

Densha De Go 3 Crackle

Densha de GO! Shinkansen EX was released for Wii on March 1, 2007 in Japan.

The current state of thefranchise


The last major title in the series, Densha de GO Final! was sonamed to signal that this was to be the end of the line. Whilestill popular in an absolute numbers sense, the series had lost thenovelty of its heyday while development costs for individual titlescontinued to climb due to the extremely detailed virtual worldsthat needed to be created.

However, Taito and Ongakukan have recently released a fewco-produced titles for PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and recentlyPlayStation 3with the title Railfan. Taito also divided the four routesin Densha de GO! Final into separate titles and released them onthe PSP system. These can be seen broadly as extensions of theOngakukan video-based game legacy with elements of Densha de GOuser interface and gameplay. Development for video based titles, itshould be noted, is significantly less than for Densha de GO styledrawn titles.

Elements of the overall Densha de GO user interface live on inother train driving games and simulators as well, including in athird-party extension to the BVE Trainsim series of games that attemptsto add elements to the Densha de GO Final! gameplay.

Densha de GO!controllers

Densha de GO! Type 2 Controller being played with Densha de GO!Final on PlayStation 2

A surprisingly large number of hardware train controllers wereavailable for a number of platforms (PC, PS, PS2, WS, etc) forwhich Densha de GO was available. This included versions that hadbuttons, levers, and pedals to suggest real-world traincontrollers, including traditional brake-and-throttle traincontrollers, mascon-type controllers (single lever for throttle andbrake), shinkansen controllers, and tram controllers (ostensiblysimilar to the traditional brake-and-throttle style, but withdifferent styling).

Densha De Go 3 Crackle Free

One of the most extravagant controllers for the Densha de GO!series was the Shinkansen Controller, which was releasedwith the Densha de GO! Shinkansen EX game for both PC andPS2 (as well as for the Wii version). The Shinkansen Controllercomes with a LED screen display of speed and controls, and a footpedal to blow the horn.

The Type 2 Controller (pictured right) is recommended if you areplaying many of the PlayStation 2 Densha de GO! releases.Unlike some of the other controllers, The Type 2 Controller iscompatible with most titles. The Type 2 Controller reportedly workswith Railfan by connecting its USBlead into the PlayStation 3.


There have been many versions of Densha de GO, some of whichhave quite similar-sounding titles, such as Densha de GO Pro,Densha de GO Pro 2, Densha de GO 2 3000, and Densha de GO 2.

Versions of this game (presented in rough chronological order)include:

  • Densha de GO!, for Arcade, PS1, PC, WonderSwan, and Game Boy Color
    • This is the first in the series.
    • Coverage: San'in Main Line (Sagano Line), Keihin-Tōhoku Line, Tōkaidō Line (JR Kyoto Line) and Yamanote Line(portions of each of these).
    • By the standard of later titles, this game was verystrict, demanding that the user memorize routes. Thisstrictness was caused by the fidelity of the PS1 and PC versions tothe arcade version, where normal users it was generally hoped wouldnot play for more than a few minutes per payment for economicreasons.
    • The Windows port also includes the longer version of the SaganoLine from the EX version (see below), as well as an additionalvariation of the Tōkaidō JR Kyoto Line.
  • Densha de GO! EX, for Arcade and Sega Saturn
    • An additional route was added to the Arcade version, where asection of the Sagano Line that was skipped in the original isfully playable.
    • The Densha de GO port for Sega Saturn was based on this versionof the arcade original.
  • Kisha De GO! for PS1 and PC
    • Kisha means 'steam locomotive.' This version allowed the userto drive steam locomotives.
    • The coverage included portions of the Keihin-Tōhoku Line, Shin'etsuMain Line and Ban'etsu-SaiLine.
    • Much of this was taken from the original Densha de GO, and thatwhich was not was done it seems somewhat hastily as the quality isnot up to the standard of previous or subsequent routes using thesame technology.
    • The controls were made slightly more complicated to reflectsteam operation.
  • Densha de GO! 2 Kōsoku-hen, for Arcade, PS1 and PC
    • Coverage: Akita Shinkansen, Hokuetsu ExpressHokuhoku Line,Keihin-Tōhoku Line (portions each). The PS1 version also includesOsaka LoopLine and Kagoshima Main Line.
    • The overall trackage was significantly greater than in theoriginal Densha de GO. However, this game was likewise quitestrict.
    • Hacks were made available via the Internet to the PC version toreduce the strictness by giving unlimited points.
    • The arcade version was also ported to Neo Geo Pocket. The PS1 version was alsoported to WonderSwanand Game BoyColor.
  • Densha de GO! 2 Kōsoku-hen 3000, for Arcade, DC and PC
    • Contains the same lines as Densha de GO! 2 Kōsoku-henArcade version, as well as Ō The PS1 version also includes Osaka Loop Lineand Kagoshima Main Line.
    • The overall trackage was significantly greater than in theoriginal Densha de GO. However, this game was likewise quitestrict.
    • Hacks were made available via the Internet to the PC version toreduce the strictness by giving unlimited points.
    • The arcade version was also ported to Neo Geo Pocket. The PS1 version was alsoported to WonderSwanand Game BoyColor.
  • Densha de GO! 2 Kōsoku-hen 3000, for Arcade, DC and PC
    • Contains the same lines as Densha de GO! 2 Kōsoku-henArcade version, as well as Ōu Main Line, Tazawako Line, Tōkaidō Main Line (JR Kobe Line) andYamanote Line.
    • The strictness of the previous versions was somewhat relaxedthrough a number of features, including the addition of a panel atright which allowed the user to see a map of the upcoming tracksegment, including speed limits, which greatly reduced the amountof memorization.
  • Densha de GO! 64, for Nintendo 64,
    • Basically the same as Densha de GO Kōsoku-hen 3000 butwith a different name for N64, and uses the 'Voice Recognition Unit'.
  • Densha de GO! Professional, for PS1 and PC
    • Same lines as Densha de GO! and Densha de GO! 2Kōsoku-hen, as well as some Kantō area portions of the TōkaidōLine
    • Featured some further strictness relaxation. Theoverall relaxation of strictness in the game as time went onreflected Taito's shift in emphasis from arcade to home-playversions.
  • Densha de GO! Nagoya Railroad, for PS1 and PC
    • Featured railways belonging to the Nagoya Meitetsu privaterailway company.
    • Coverage: Meitetsu NagoyaLine, Meitetsu Inuyama Line, MeitetsuMinomachi Line and Meitetsu Monkey Park MonorailLine.
    • This was the first version to feature a monorail.
    • This version also featured a Meitetsu hybrid light rail routewhich ran both on regular train lines and as a sort of urban tramon special lanes in city streets. Part of the gameplay of thisrequired the user to stop for regular traffic signals and avoid cartraffic. This was the Densha de GO player's first opportunity todrive a vehicle much lighter (and thus shorter stopping distance)than standard trains.
    • In this version, the driver must sound the horn beforebeginning to accelerate out of a station. This is unique to thistitle. It is not know if this reflects or reflected Meitetsuoperational practice.
    • The gameplay, physics, and strictness of this versionwere all somewhat relaxed compared to previous versions.
  • Densha de GO! 3 Tsūkin-hen, for Arcade and PS2
    • Coverage Sasaguri Line, Kagoshima Main Line, Sanyō Main Line (JR Kobe Line), San'in MainLine, Chūō Main Line and Chūō-Sōbu Line.
    • Was the first version to use a new, semi-3D graphics engine.This engine however was not used in subsequent titles. This givesthis title a rather distinct look compared to other titles.
    • While previous versions of the game allowed for the same routeto be run, for example, during day or night, this was the firstversion in which the user could see the time of day dynamicallychanging as the ride progressed.
    • The overall feel of this title is unique for the series.Timetable restrictions, for example, are fairly relaxed and theuser had significantly more choices as to difficulty settingscompared to before.
  • Densha de GO! 3 Tsūkin-hen Daiya Kaisei, for Arcadeand PC
    • Basically the same as Densha de GO! 3 Tsūkin-hen butwith a slightly different title.
  • Densha de GO! Professional 2, for PS2 and PC
    • Despite what the title may imply, this title both appearedafter the above versions of the game and was in many wayscompletely radical and new, including featuring a fairly updatedgraphics engine.
    • Coverage included the Shōnan-Shinjuku Line, Tsurumi Line, Kosei Line, Seto-ŌhashiLine, Nagasaki Main Line and Sasebo Line.
    • Unique elements to this game included the crossing of theSeto-Ōhashi bridge, a trip which involves the changing of thedriver and the coupling and de-coupling of the train.
    • This version was notorious for poor performance (stuttering)and other technical problems (noticeably bad sight distance) whichwere not resolvable on the PC version by changing settings orgetting better hardware.
    • As a result of a tepid response due to technical issues,confusion regarding the name, and perhaps by a relatively unpopularchoice of routes, sales were below expectations.
  • Densha de GO! Shinkansen Sanyō Shinkansen-hen, for PS2, PCand Wii
    • Coverage included the Sanyō Shinkansen and Hakata Minami Line
    • Again, this version featured a significantly different basicgraphics engine.
    • Innovations included graphic interludes which showed routinepassenger activities and the optional ability to see both the trainfrom the outside and see a detailed, 3-dimensional cab view fromthe inside.
    • Breaking the trend to this point, this title demanded moreexacting driving by the user - often as little as half a second tocorrectly respond to speed limit change indications.
    • Despite the intrinsic appeal of being able to drive a train atover 300 km/h, this version suffers from somewhat repetitivegameplay, as the Sanyo shinkansen consists of a fairly monotonicseries of tunnels and viaducts. This may have contributed to theless than expected sales. This version arguably has the leastreplay ability of any of the major titles due to this lack ofvariety.
    • Also available as Densha de GO! Shinkansen EX SanyōShinkansen-hen, for Wii.
  • Densha de GO! Ryojōhen, for Arcade, PS2 and PC
    • This version focused on trams and light rail
    • Coverage Iyotetsu Matsuyama City Line, Enoden Line, Randen Arashiyama Main Line,Randen Kitano Line, Hakodate City Tram Line Route 5 and 2.
    • While apparently sharing much of the same basic graphics enginewith Densha de GO Shinkansen, otherwise the user interface of thisversion was radically different, taking a significantly gentlerapproach.
    • Trams could be viewed externally and also in a cab view.
    • As the driver, you are responsible in this version for makingstation announcements and opening the door on the correctside.
    • As part of the overall gentler nature of this game, it isalmost impossible to get a harsh game over message here asit was quite easy to do in early Densha de GO versions.Continues are plentiful and, while timetables exist, theycan be stifled completely or simply looked at generally for much ofthe basic play. That said, unlocking some tram variants requiresaccurate completion of some scheduled routes.
    • There is significant extra multimedia content in the game.
    • Overall, there are many small details in this game thatcontributed to it being a surprise hit in the series. It isarguably the most simulation-like of all the Densha de GO series aswell (though there may be an argument for Shinkansen too),and given the realities of the economics of something asspecialized as a tram simulator, there is unlikely to be anythingfor the tram enthusiast like this for a significant time.
    • However, there continues to be speculation of a follow-upversion to potentially include the popular Hakone-Tozan railway,the Tokyu Setagaya line, Toden Arakawa lines and/or HiroshimaTrams. As yet, however, nothing has come from this.
  • Train Simulator + Densha de GO!TōkyōKyūkō-hen, for PS2
    • Tōkyū Tōyoko Line, Tōkyū Den-en-toshi Line and Tōkyū Ōimachi Line
    • This title is arguably not a Densha de GO title as much as itis a Train Simulator title, as it is video based, but uses aversion of the Densha de GO gameplay user interface.
  • Mobile Train Simulator + Densha de GO! TōkyōKyūkō-hen, for PSP
    • Basically the same as the PS2 version, but optimized for thePSP
  • Densha de GO! Final, for PS2 and PC[1]
    • Coverge: (the complete) Yamanote Line, (Takao to Tokyo) ChūōMain Line, (the complete) Osaka Loop Line, and (much of the)Tōkaidō Main Line (specifically, the JR Kyoto Line and JR KobeLine).
    • At first glance, features more arcade-like gameplay,due to its system of chained points. That conclusion wouldbe selling this title short, however, as of 2008 it must rank amongthe best train simulator driving games ever made for PC.
    • Features a large number of trains and relaxed gameplay.
    • Trains can be seen from external views, but there are nointernal cabs.
    • By any standard features the best and most detailed graphics ofthe series. Represents the pinnacle of the series.
    • Gameplay innovations include conductor mode where theplayer acts as station announcer and door opener rather thandriver. This requires the user to have memorized (or have readilyavailable) a list of the stations.
    • There appears to be no time or intra-station compression inthis game whatsoever - distances are prototypical. Furthermore,scheduled routes and timetables are basically prototypical.
  • Densha de GO! Pocket Yamanote-sen-sen, for PSP,Yamanote Line, Densha de GO! Pocket Chūō-sen-hen, for PSP,Chūō Main Line (Tokyo Station toTakao), Densha de GO! PocketŌsaka-kanjō-sen-hen, for PSP, Osaka Loop Line, Densha deGO! Pocket Tōkaidō-sen-hen, for PSP, Tōkaidō Main Line (JR Kyoto Line andJR Kobe Line) ThisPocket's 207 series'stripe is changed because the Amagasaki rail crash.
    • These Pocket versions were basically taken from Densha de GOFinal and scaled to fit to the PSP device.

Other versions:

  • Railfan (contains Densha deGO! mode), for PS3
    • Similar to the Tokyu railroad title described above, thisshould probably be rightly considered more of a Train Simulatortitle than a Densha de GO title, as this is a video-based game thathas as a minor element parats of the Densha de GO gameplay userinterface.
    • Chūō Main Line, KeihanMain Line, KeihanŌtō Line and Chicago 'L'Brown Line.
  • Mobile games(i-mode & EZ WEB & Vodafone Live!)
    • Some lines from above consoles, as well as Hokuriku MainLine, Hakodate Main Line, KeikyūMainLine, Keikyū Airport Line and Chicago 'L'Brown Line.
  • Handheld electronic games,some lines from above consoles. Included LCD versions whichembodied the spirit of the Densha de Go series, if nothingelse.
  • Simple 1500series and Simple 2000 series, some lines from above consoles.
Densha De Go 3 Crackle


  • Official website of the gameseries, as provided by Internet Archive (Japanese)


  1. ^http://www.gamestats.com/objects/675/675615/GameStats.com description of game and its features.