Terjemahan Buku Economic Development Michael P. Todaro

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Economic Development Chllenges and Promises. Economics for A Development World: An Introduction to Princples, Problems and Policies for Development. 14 Kebijakan Fiscal dan moneter Metode: Ceramah dan diskusi Identifikasi dan diskusi 1.Laporan Tahunan Bank Indonesia, 1997-2006.

Todaro Smith Economic Development Pdf

Michael P. Todaro New York University
Stephen C. Smith The George Washington Univj rsity
Addison-Wesley Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo
Case Studies and Boxes
Part One Principles and Concepts 1 1 Introducing Economic Development: A Globdl Perspective
2 2
1.1 How the Other Half Live 1.2 Economics and Development Studies The Nature of Development Economics 7 Why Study Development Economics? Some Critical Questions 9 The Important Role of Values in Development Economics 12 Economies as Social Systems: The Need to Go Beyond Simple Economics 13 1.3 What D o We M e a n b y D e v e l o p m e n t ? Traditional Economic Measures 14 The New Economic View of Development 14 Amartya Sen's 'Capability' Approach 16 Development and Happiness 19 Three Core Values of Development 20 The Central Role of Women 22 The Three Objectives of Development 22

1.4 The Millennium Development Goals
1.5 Conclusions
D Case Situiidy 1: Progress in the Struggle for More Meaningful Development: Brazil
Comparative Economic Development
2.1 Defining the Developing World
2.2 Basic Indicators of Development: Real Income, Health, and Education
Purchasing Power Parity 44 Indicators of Health and Education 45 2.3 Holistic Measures of Living Levels and Capabilities
The Traditional Human Development Index 47 The New Human Development Index 54 2.4 Characteristics of the Developing World: Diversity within Commonality
Lower Levels of Living and Productivity 57 Lower Levels of Human Capital 59 Higher Levels of Inequality and Absolute Poverty 61 Higher Population Growth Rates 62 Greater Social Fractionalization 64 Larger Rural Populations but Rapid Rural-to-Urban Migration 65 Lower Levels of Industrialization and Manufactured Exports 66 Adverse Geography 67 Underdeveloped Markets 68 Lingering Colonial Impacts and Unequal International Relations 69 2.5 How Low-Income Countries Today Differ from Developed Countries in Their Earlier Stages
Physical and Human Resource Endowments 71 Relative Levels of Per Capita Income and GDP 72 Climatic Differences 72 Population Size, Distribution, and Growth 73 The Historical Role of International Migration 73 The Growth Stimulus of International Trade 76 Basic Scientific and Technological Research and Development Capabilities 76 Efficacy of Domestic Institutions 77 2.6 Are Living Standards of Developing and Developed Nations Converging?
2.7 Long-Run Causes of Comparative Development
2.8 Concluding Observations
• Case Study 2: Comparative Economic Development: Pakistan and Bangladesh
5 Classic Theories of Economic Growth and Development
3.1 Classic Theories of Economic Development: Four Approaches
3.2 Development as Growth and the Linear-Stages Theories
Rostow's Stages of Growth 111 The Harrod-Domar Growth Model 112 Obstacles and Constraints 114 Necessary versus Sufficient Conditions: Some Criticisms of the Stages Model 114 3.3 Structural-Change Models
The Lewis Theory of Development 115 Structural Change and Patterns of Development 120 Conclusions and Implications 121 3.4 The International-Dependence Revolution
The Neocolonial Dependence Model 122 The False-Paradigm Model 124 The Dualistic-Development Thesis 124 Conclusions and Implications 125 3.5 The Neoclassical Counterrevolution: Market Fundamentalism Challenging the Statist Model: Free Markets, Public Choice, and Market-Friendly Approaches 126 Traditional Neoclassical Growth Theory 128 Conclusions and Implications 129 3.6 Classic Theories of Development: Reconciling the Differences • Case Sttmdy 3: Schools of Thought in Context: South Korea and Argentina
131 133
Appendix 3.1 Components of Economic Growth
Appendix 3.2 The Solow Neoclassical Growth Model Appemdix 3.3 Endogenous Growth Theory
146 150
4 Contemporary Models of Development and Underdevelopment
4.1 Underdevelopment as a Coordination Failure 4.2 Multiple Equilibria: A Diagrammatic Approach
156 159
4.3 Starting Economic Development: The Big Push The Big Push: A Graphical Model 165 Other Cases in Which a Big Push May Be Necessary 170 Why the Problem Cannot Be Solved by a Super-Entrepreneur 171 4.4 Further Problems of Multiple Equilibria 4.5 Michael Kremer's O-Ring Theory of Economic Development Thef>Ring Model 176 Implications of the O-Ring Theory 179 4.6 Economic Development as Self-Discovery
172 176
4.7 The^Hausmann-Rodrik-Velasco Growth Diagnostics Framework 4.8 Conclusions • Case Stitudy 4: Understanding a Development Miracle: China
182 185 189
Part Two Problems and Policies: Domestic 201 5 Poverty, Inequality, and Development 5.1 Measuring Inequality and Poverty Measuring Inequality 204 Measuring Absolute Poverty 211 / 5.2 Poverty, Inequality, and Social Welfare What's So Bad about Extreme Inequality? 219 Dualistic Development and Shifting Lorenz Curves: Some Stylized Typologies 221 Kuznets's Inverted-U Hypothesis 224 Growth and Inequality 228 5.3 Absolute Poverty: Extent and Magnitude Growth and Poverty 232 5.4 Economic Characteristics of High-Poverty Groups Rural Poverty 236 Women and Poverty 237 Ethnic Minorities, Indigenous Populations, and Poverty 240 5.5 Policy Options on Income Inequality and Poverty: Some Basic Considerations Areas of Intervention 241 Altering the Functional Distribution of Income through Relative Factor Prices 242 Modifying the Size Distribution through Increasing Assets of the Poor 244 ^
202 204
229 235
Progressive Income and Wealth Taxes 245 Direct Transfer Payments and the Public Provision of Goods and Services 246 5.6 Summary and Conclusions: The Need for a Package of Policies • Case Study 5: Institutions, Inequality, and Incomes: Ghana and Cote d'lvoire Appendix S.I Appropriate Technology and Employment Generation: The Price Incentive Model Appemdix 5.2 The Ahluwalia-Chenery Welfare Index
5 Population Growth and Economic Development: Causes, Consequences, and-Controversies
6.1 The Basic Issue: Population Growth and the Quality of Life 6.2 Population Growth: Past, Present, and Future World Population Growth throughout History 270 Structure of the World's Population 273 The/Hidden Momentum of Population Growth 277 6.3 The Demographic Transition 6.4 The Causes of High Fertility in Developing Countries: The Malthusian and Household Models The Malthusian Population Trap 281 Criticisms of the Malthusian Model 284 The Microeconomic Household Theory of Fertility 285 The Demand for Children in Developing Countries 288 Implications for Development and Fertility 289 6.5 The Consequences of High Fertility: Some Conflicting Perspectives It's Not a Real Problem 291 It's a Deliberately Contrived False Issue 292 It's a Desirable Phenomenon 292 It 7s a Real Problem 294 Goals and Objectives: Toward a Consensus 297 6.6 Some Policy Approaches What Developing Countries Can Do 298 What the Developed Countries Can Do 300 How Developed Countries Can Help Developing Countries with Their Population Programs 301 • Case Study 6: Population, Poverty, and Development: China and India
7 Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration: Theory and Policy 7.1 The Migration and Urbanization Dilemma Urbanization: Trends and Projections 312 7.2 The Role of Cities Industrial Districts 318 Efficient Urban Scale 322 7.3 The Urban Giantism Problem First-City Bias 325 Causes of Urban Giantism 325 ^ ^ 7.4 The Urban Informal Sector
248 250 262 265
269 269 270
278 281
311 311 318
Policies for the Urban Informal Sector 329 Women in the Informal Sector 333
7.5 Migration and Development 7.6 Toward an Economic Theory of Rural-Urban Migration
334 337
A Verbal Description of the Todaro Model 337 A Diagrammatic Presentation 340 Five Policy Implications 342
7.7 Summary and Conclusions: A Comprehensive Migration and Employment Strategy • Case Stnady 7: Rural-Urban Migration and Urbanization in Developing Countries: India and Botswana Appendix 7.1 A Mathematical Formulation of the Todaro Migration Model
8 Human Capital: Education and Health in Economic Development 8.1 The Central Roles of Education and Health
347 356
359 359
Education and Health as Joint Investments for Development 361 Improving Health and Education: Why Increasing Income Is Not Sufficient
8.2 Investing in Education and Health: The Human Capital Approach 8.3 Child Labor 8.4 The Gender Gap: Discrimination in Education and Health Consequences of Gender Bias in Health and Education
365 368 373
8.5 Educational Systems and Development
' The Political Economy of Educational Supply and Demand: The Relationship between Employment Opportunities and Educational Demands 377 Social versus Private Benefits and Costs 379 Distribution of Education 381 Education, Inequality, and Poverty 383 Education, Internal Migration, and the Brain Drain 386
8.6 Health Measurement and Distribution 8.7 Disease Burden

386 390
HIV/AIDS 393 Malaria 396 ' Parasitic Worms and Other 'Neglected Tropical Diseases' 397
8.8 Health, Productivity, and Policy
Productivity 399 Health Systems Policy 400
• Case Study 8: Pathways out of Poverty: Progresa/Oportunidades
9 Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development 9.1 The Imperative of Agricultural Progress and Rural Development 9.2 Agricultural Growth: Past Progress and Current Challenges
416 416 419
Trends in Agricultural Productivity 419 Market Failures and the Need for Government Policy 422
9.3 The Structure of Agrarian Systems in the Developing World Three Systems of Agriculture 423 Peasant Agriculture in Latin America, Asia, and Africa
Contents Agrarian Patterns in Latin America: Progress and Remaining Poverty Challenges 427 Transforming Economies: Problems of Fragmentation and Subdivision of Peasant Land in Asia 429 Subsistence Agriculture and Extensive Cultivation in Africa 432 9.4 The Important Role of Women 9.5 The Microeconomics of Farmer Behavior and Agricultural Development The Transition from Peasant Subsistence to Specialized Commercial Farming 438 Subsistence Farming: Risk Aversion, Uncertainty, and Survival 438 The Economics of Sharecropping and Interlocking Factor Markets 442 The Transition to Mixed or Diversified Farming 444 From Divergence to Specialization: Modern Commercial Farming 445 9.6 Core Requirements of a Strategy of Agricultural and Rural Development Improving Small-Scale Agriculture 448 Conditions for Rural Development 450 D Case Stuidy 9: The Need to Improve Agricultural Extension for Women Farmers: Kenya
10 The Environment and Development . 10.1 Environment and Development: The Basic Issues Economics and the Environment 465 Sustainable Development and Environmental Accounting 467 Population, Resources, and the Environment 468 Poverty and the Environment 469 Growth versus the Environment 469 Rural Development and the Environment 470 Urban Development and the Environment 470 The Global Environment and Economy 471 The Nature and Pace of Greenhouse Gas-Induced Climate Change 471 Natural Resource-Based Livelihoods as a Pathway out of Poverty: Promise and Limitations 471 The Scope of Domestic-Origin Environmental Degradation: An Overview 472 10.2 Rural Development and the Environment: A Tale of Two Villages A Village in Sub-Saharan Africa 474 A Settlement Near the Amazon 474 Environmental Deterioration in Villages 475 10.3 Global Warming and Climate Change: Scope, Mitigation, and Adaptation Scope of the Problem 476 Mitigation 478 Adaptation 479 10.4 Economic Models of Environment Issues Privately Owned Resources 481 Common Property Resources 483 Public Goods and Bads: Regional Environmental Degradation and the Free-Rider Problem 486 Limitations of the Public-Good Framework 488 10.5 Urban Development and the Environment Environmental Problems of Urban Slums 488 Industrialization and Urban Air Pollution 489 Problems of Congestion, Clean Water, and Sanitation 492 10.6 The Local and Global Costs of Rain Forest Destruction
433 438
465 465
10.7 Policy Options in Developing and Developed Countries What Developing Countries Can Do 496 How Developed Countries Can Help Developing Countries 498 What Developed Countries Can Do for the Global Environment 500 • Case Study 10: A World of Contrasts on One Island: Haiti and the Dominican Republic
11 Development Policymaking and the Roles of Market, State, and Civil Society 11.1 A Question of Balance . 11.2 Development Planning: Concepts and Rationale The Planning Mystique 512 The Nature of Development Planning 513 Planning in Mixed Developing Economies 513 The Rationale for Development Planning 514 11.3 Trie Development Planning Process: Some Basic Models Three Stages of Planning 516 Aggregate Growth Models: Projecting Macro Variables 517 Muitisector Models and Sectoral Projections 519 Project Appraisal and Social Cost-Benefit Analysis 520 11.4 Government Failure and the Resurgent Preference for Markets over Planning Problems of Plan Implementation and Plan Failure 524 The 1980s Policy Shift toward Free Markets 526 11.5 The Market Economy Sociocultural Preconditions and Economic Requirements 528 11.6 The Washington Consensus on the Role of the State in Development and Its Subsequent Evolution . Toward a New Consensus 531 11.7 Development Political Economy: Theories of Policy Formulation and Reform Understanding Voting Patterns on Policy Reform 534 Institutions and Path Dependency 536 ' Democracy versus Autocracy: Which Facilitates Faster Growth? 537 11.8 Development Roles of NGOs and the Broader Citizen Sector 11.9 Trends in Governance and Reform Tackling the Problem of Corruption 546 Decentralization 547 Development Participation 549 • Case Study 11: The Role of Development NGOs: The BRAC Model
511 511 512
530 533
539 546
Part Three Problems and Policies: International and Macro 563 12 International Trade Theory and Development Strategy
12.1 Economic Globalization: An Introduction
12.2 International Trade: Some Key Issues Five Basic Questions about Trade and Development 569 Importance of Exports to Different Developing Nations 571
Demand Elasticities and Export Earnings Instability 572 The Terms of Trade and the Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis 573 12.3 The Traditional Theory of International Trade Comparative Advantage 575 Relative Factor Endowments and International Specialization: The Neoclassical Model 576 Trade Theory and Development: The Traditional Arguments 581 12.4 The Critique of Traditional Free-Trade Theory in the Context of Developing-Country Experience Fixed Resources, Full Employment, and the International Immobility of Capital and Skilled Labor 583 ' Fixed, Freely Available Technology and Consumer Sovereignty 586 Internal Factor Mobility, Perfect Competition, and Uncertainty: Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition and Issues in Specialization 586 The Absence of National Governments in Trading Relations 589 Balanced Trade and International Price Adjustments 590 Trafie Gains Accruing to Nationals 590 Some Conclusions on Trade Theory and Economic Development Strategy 591
12.5 Traditional Trade Strategies for Development: Export Promotion versus Import Substitution
Export Promotion: Looking Outward and Seeing Trade Barriers 595 Expanding Exports of Manufactured Goods 597 Import Substitution: Looking Inward but Still Paying Outward 599 The IS Industrialization Strategy and Results 602 Foreign-Exchange Rates, Exchange Controls, and the Devaluation Decision 607 Trade Optimists and Trade Pessimists: Summarizing the Traditional Debate 611
12.6 The Industrialization Strategy Approach to Export Policy 12.7 South-South Trade and Economic Integration
613 617
Economic Integration: Theory and Practice 617 Regional Trading Blocs and the Globalization of Trade 619
12.8 Trade Policies of Developed Countries: The Need for Reform and Resistance to New Protectionist Pressures D Case Stuidy 12: A Pioneer in Development Success through Trade: Taiwan
620 624
13 Balance of Payments, Debt, Financial Crises, and Stabilization Policies
13.1 International Finance and Investment: Key Issues 13.2 The Balance of Payments Account General Considerations 639 A Hypothetical Illustration: Deficits and Debts 642 13.3 The Issue of Payments Deficits Some Initial Policy Issues 644 Trends in the Balance of Payments 648 13.4 Accumulation of Debt and Emergence of the Debt Crisis Background and Analysis 650 Origins of the 1980s Debt Crisis 652
638 639
13.5 Attempts at Alleviation: Macroeconomic Instability, Classic IMF Stabilization Policies, and Their Critics The IMF Stabilization Program 654 Tactics for Debt Relief 656 13.6 'Odious Debt' and Its Prevention 13.7 Resolution of 1980s-1990s Debt Crises and Continued Vulnerabilities 13.8 The Global Financial Crisis and the Developing Countries Causes of the Crisis and Challenges to Lasting Recovery 664 Economic Impacts on Developing Countries 666 Differing Impacts across Developing Regions 670 Prospects for Recovery and Stability 672 Opportunities as Well as Dangers? 673 • Case Study 13: Trade, Capital Flows, and Development Strategy: South Korea
14 Foreign Finance, Investment, and Aid: Controversies and Opportunities
661 662 664
14.1 The International Flow of Financial Resources 14.2 Private Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Corporation
Private Foreign Investment: Some Pros and Cons for Development 688 Private Portfolio Investment: Benefits and Risks 694 . 14.3 The Role and Growth of Remittances
14.4 Foreign Aid: The Development Assistance Debate Conceptual and Measurement Problems 697 Amounts and Allocations: Public Aid 699 Why Donors Give Aid 701 Why Recipient Countries Accept Aid 705 The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations in Aid 706 The Effects of Aid 707 14.5 Conflict and Development The Scope of Violent Conflict and Conflict Risks 708 The Consequences of Armed Conflict 708 The Causes of Armed Conflict and Risks of Conflict 712 The Resolution and Prevention of Armed Conflict 713 • Case S t a d y 14: African Success Story at Risk: Botswana
15 Finance and Fiscal Policy for Development 15.1 The Role of the Financial System in Economic Development Differences between Developed and Developing Financial Systems 731 15.2 The Role of Central Banks and Alternative Arrangements The Role of Development Banking 738 15.3 Informal Finance and the Rise of Microfinance Traditional Informal Finance 739 Microfinance Institutions 741
729 730 734 739
15.4 Reforming Financial Systems Financial Liberalization, Real Interest Rates, Savings, and Investment 746 Financial Policy and the Role of the State 747 Debate on the Role of Stock Markets 749 15.5 Fiscal Policy for Development Macrostability and Resource Mobilization 751 Taxation: Direct and Indirect 751 15.6 State-Owned Enterprises and Privatization Improving the Performance of SOEs ,757 Privatization: Theory and Experience 758 15.7 Public Administration: The Scarcest Resource D Case S t a d y 15: Making Microfinance Work for the Poor: The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh Glossary Name Index Subject Index
761 763 773 787 797